Sunday, July 22, 2007

Technology and Taylor Hicks

I have spent most of the day online downloading every video I can find of Taylor Hicks, well those that I did not already have. I purchased an mp.3 player Friday and it holds video. So now I am a happy camper. I love technology and all the things that are now able to be done. What would we do with out the net, capabilities to record everything Taylor related and electronics to play those recordings in? My mp.3 player is loaded with videos of Taylor. I can watch him anytime I choose and no one in the house can complain I am interrupting their TV show lol. Yesterday I got some dead sea salt that I had ordered in the mail so I think after I finish a survey I just received I am going to relax in the tub with my terrific smelling salts and watch Tay videos for awhile.